Wednesday 30 January 2013

Preserving Environment and Breathing Fresh Air for a Healthy Life

We as humans have proceeded dramatically from living and acting as a primitive being to modern humans. The scientific and technological advances have taken us onto a level where we are conscious about every bit of our health and safety. We have developed a complex system of living in societies that are well protected from natural and artificial threats, we have started to generate products that are healthy for our health, we have modified our eating and drinking habit in order to get maximum protection from diseases and we have produced medicines for the most threatening of diseases to control mortality rate. All these measures have brought us to a life style of comfort and safety that has never been experienced before.

Although we have altered everything about our life, something that was not given its due importance recently is the air that we breathe and environment that we live in. There is a heavy price that we have paid for accessing all these facilities of life and that price is paid by the environment we live in and air we breathe. Most of the world was negligent about the quality of air that we have been breathing throughout our life at homes and in offices. This was a major contributor of various diseases that have infected us over the last many decades. However, today scientists have taken strict measures on controlling the air pollution and making breathing air better for us to prevent spreading of diseases. 

For this very reason there is a sharp increase in the conductance of air audit and air quality tests in offices and industries where we spend large portion of our daily lives. Air quality tests and air audit ensure that we breathe in the fresh air without any contamination and threat of bacterial infection. These air audit and air quality tests are conducted massively in every office in developed countries and stress is being given on developing nations to follow these measures as well. 

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