Wednesday 20 March 2013

Impacts of Polluted air on Our Health!

There are many hidden diseases that we are unaware of and when we are suddenly struck with some strange atmospheric change; our body responds in a completely unfamiliar way, getting us to get familiarized with our hidden disease. This is exactly what happened while I was on my way to holiday destination.

I had a respiratory issue at my childhood; however I was completely recovered and thought that the problem is over for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, as soon as I visit the other holiday destination which was one of the largest cities of the country, massively populated and polluted I started to feel suffocation. I had to postpone all my activities and visit a doctor immediately where I was told that I had a asthma attack.

It was quiet shocking news however I realize that my childhood problem was not over for the life, rather it was just burdened down due to some reason. The fundamental reason that I was able to make out for a sudden reappearance of my illness was the polluted air of the city. I was from a city with little population and hence quite pure air. Contrarily the city I visited was massively polluted which was the reason my body responded in unfamiliar way. After extensive research over the internet I was able to find out about the air quality tests that are compulsory in order to determine the purity or contamination of air.

Air quality tests should be conducted at all levels when you are residing in a polluted environment, else wise you can have serious health impact. Unfortunately there is very little or no awareness in general public about air quality tests and the impact of polluted air on our health. It is therefore my humble advice for all people to conduct air quality tests on their facilities to ensure that the breathing air completely safe for health.  

Monday 18 March 2013

Offering air quality tests in Pakistan

Pakistan is a developing country, with lots of problems when it comes to health, safety and environment concerns whether industrial or domestic. Unfortunately the government of Pakistan hasn’t up till now taken any strict measures regarding the deteriorating health safety and environment concerns on industrial level.

Industries are the largest contributor of pollution in the environment. Industrial pollution not only effect s our environment, rather it also affects the immediate workers working in those facilities. Most of the industries operating in our country are negligent towards following the guidelines set by the international health and safety agencies. The negligence of industrialists and business owners has adverse effects on the health and safety of employees.

When talking about different health and safety tests that should be conducted in all industries to maintain international health and safety standards, air quality tests in Pakistan is on the top of the list. Regrettably the most neglected tests in industries are air quality tests in Pakistan, which offer a grieve situation for all workers working in the industry. Air quality tests should be conducted in all factories and industries in order to ensure the quality of breathing air inside the facility.

Air quality tests in Pakistan are not really expensive and there are many prodigious professional firms offering their services for air quality tests in Pakistan. However it is to be seen that whether government fulfill its responsibility in compelling all industries to conduct air quality tests in Pakistan for safer and healthier environment in industries. 

Sunday 17 March 2013

Air quality tests for the home: A must for all Healthy Families!

Now almost every one of us is well aware of the importance of drinking safe and healthy water and eating good quality food for our health. In today’s health conscious world, we are interested in making sure that everything around is safe for our health. We invest a lot of our time and money in ensuring these safety standards in our homes. However one thing that we are not very well versed with is the importance of breathing fresh air in our homes and offices. 

When we thought closely about our daily lives, we would come to the conclusion that air is the single most consumed natural thing that we inhale all our lives. Until recently we were unaware of the hazardous effects of breathing polluted air in routine life. However with the advancement in lives, today the scientists are well convinced that breathing polluted air can cause severe respiratory, physical and mental impacts on our heath. 

In order to ensure the breathing air standards in homes, air quality tests should be conducted periodically. Air quality tests for home are designed in a manner that can ensure determine the purity or contamination of air in homes. These tests are also prodigious source of locating any potential source of contamination of air in homes. Apart from locating the source of contamination, air quality tests for home can also be helpful in taking out the necessary steps towards cleaning of breathing air inside home. Many professional firms are operating in industry to conduct air quality tests for home and they can be contacted in order to make certain that you are breathing pure fresh and healthy air in your homes.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Air Audit Tests

Now if you are an industrialist then you may be considering different aspects of air audit tests and in what respects they can be beneficial for you? There are plenty of articles, research papers and press releases stressing on the importance of conducting air audit tests in your industrial facility.

Here we will be just looking at some of the perks that you might attain by conducting these tests. Getting started with the very terminology of Air audit we can state that these are the tests that are conducted in order to have a fair evaluation of the precise energy requirement in the industry. Today when we are facing severe competition in business and industry around the world, it is important to conduct these tests so that there might not be any cleavage in our equipment or industry causing the raise in production price.

Air leakage can take place very easily and in many different forms. The slightest of opening or leakage in equipment can cause massive loss of energy on monthly basis that you might be bearing for a very long time. Air audit tests can determine the exact amount of energy that is required in smooth running of machinery and other industrial equipment. Moreover, these tests can also evaluate the excess amount of energy that is being currently used in the industry.

Obtaining the above two variable, can give you a fair idea about the actual loss of energy that has been taking place for a very long time. These tests are easy to conduct and could be easily outsourced to a professional company for the maximum efficient results. 

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Some Positives of Conducting Air Quality Tests!

There are numerous reasons why organizations should conduct a fair assessment of air quality in any indoor offices. Air quality tests are helpful for a various amount of reason as far as safety and healthy air quality is concerned. Moreover, companies also conduct air quality tests to adhere to the international standards set by health and safety organizations. It might at first looks like a difficult task; however air quality tests are simple to conduct and can be outsourced easily to some professional firm with experience. Conducting air quality tests are adhering to international standards for health and safety would definitely help increase the productivity of workers and employees which would definitely benefit the firm.  Below we will be looking at some important traits and functions of air quality tests and how can they help you create serene environment.

So, by conducting these tests, which of the hazardous factors can you minimize?

  • For beginners, these tests can help in determining the pollutants in the air inside the facility; moreover these tests can also create an ambient atmosphere by eliminating pollutants.

  • Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, petroleum hydrocarbons, dust mites and many other harmful substances can be present in the atmosphere. These can prove to be fatal for health of people working in that particular environment. Air quality tests ensure that these pollutants are eliminated from the atmosphere.

  • Apart from the above mentioned pollutants, there are other factors including water damage and mold that can serve as pollutant and contamination for air.

  • No matter how much clean your office may be; checking air quality periodically is a must for every indoor organization and working facility to ensure the health and safety of people. 

Thursday 28 February 2013

Lamentable Circumstances of Health and Safety and Role of Air Quality tests!

As a developing country or more of an underdeveloped country, there are too many obstacles faced by our nation. With inadequate health and safety measures from top to bottom, there are quite massive health related issues to be concerned of.

From the very beginning, our country has a poor system regarding safety of workers and employees in businesses and industries. Business owners have always preferred to cut on costs by lowering even at times banning all health and safety budget; so crucial for health of workers and employees. Although some laws have been passed by the legislative assembly, even then it is quite rare to find a business or industry adhering to the guided legislature regarding health and safety.

With all the odds against workers and employees, we will be discussing an important negligence that is commonly seen in almost every industry and business. Yes! We are talking about air quality tests. Air quality tests are mandatory for all businesses and industries in developed nations. Assessing the quality of air through air quality tests is essential to determine the level of pureness or contamination in air. Often in industries or offices there are multiple sources of air contamination. As majority of offices and industries are in closed environment, there is every chance of air pollution. Air quality tests are therefore compulsory for all indoor offices and industries so as to ensure the quality of air breath by workers and employees present in the premises.

Air audit tests are also a prodigious source to determine the level of contamination that has occurred and remedial solutions for the contamination. Air audit tests can be conducted in-house through trained staff or outsourcing the tests to some professional firm expert in conducting air quality tests.
Be sure! Air quality tests are not merely your moral obligation, rather it will benefit owners as much as it is beneficial for workers. 

Friday 15 February 2013

What to Look for in Compair Distributor Pakistan?

Finding the right compair distributor Pakistan is essential for constant running of any industry. Compressed air is considered as the blood for any industry and consistent supply of compressed air is absolutely vital for growth of any industry. There are many small machines that are operated with the help of compressed air therefore getting constant supply is crucial for continuous running of machinery. Compressed air is a cheap and easy source of powering the equipment and compressors are the source of producing compressed air. As a developing country, compressors are not manufactured in Pakistan therefore any requirement of compressed air requires importing of compressors which is a costly investment to make in today’s recession hit economy. An alternative and easy approach towards compressed air is to hire services of some professional and efficient compair distributor Pakistan to make sure the consistent supply of compressed air for all industrial requirements.

Now there aremany compair distributors Pakistan that are operating in market and to select the most suited and expert company is necessary to be sure of getting full worth of your money. There are few things that can help you select the best compressed air company in Pakistan. Below we will be looking into few things that can help you select right company:


No matter for which matter you are outsourcing your needs, you need to see the experience of company that you are hiring. Experience is the absolute necessity for all compressed air services. consistent supply of compressed air is vital for your industrial running and only the most experienced company can make sure that you get your constant compressed air. Therefore, whenever you are looking for compair distributor Pakistan; make sure you go with the most experienced firm. You can have a detailed look into the experience of a company by visiting their website.

Technology and Resources:

When looking for any compair distributor Pakistan, make sure that the company is equipped with all the latest gears to handle your needs. Compressors are of different kinds according to needs therefore, having a complete range of compressors with backup is essential for continuous supply of compressed air. Moreover, make sure that the company has all the resources to carry out the designated work. It is also fruitful to look for a company that can deal in other stuff also that your might need, for instance many compair distributor Pakistan companies also deal with air audit tests. These air audit tests are must for the safety of environment and if you hire a company that can conduct these air audit tests to go with supply of compressed air then probably you will have an advantage in terms of money. 

Friday 8 February 2013

In-House Compressed Air Production or Outsourcing your Compressed Air Requirements?

Compressors are taken as the most vital invention to generate electricity with the help of air. In today’s energy driven world where the world is thirsty for energy, it is a pure blessing to have something that can actually convert air into energy. Keeping in mind the low cost and versatility of compressed air, every industry have their own compressed air system installed either within the factory or have outsource the needs of compressed air to some professional compressed air firm.  Below we will be taking a look into the benefits and limitations of generating compressed air within the industry and benefits and limitations of outsourcing the needs of compressed air.

Starting with generating compressed air within the industry, the biggest advantage of having compressed air unit within the premises of industry is the constant supply of compressed air in the nominal price. This is what many industrialist may think, however there are many complications in the process of generating compressed air within the industry and the price of generating compressed air often goes way above the budget. Confuse? Well! The biggest issue in opening a compressed air unit within the premises of industry in our country is that there are no compressors being manufactured in our country. As heavy duty machinery equipment, compressors are not manufactured in Pakistan and we have to import compressors according to our needs and requirements. Secondly there are different types of compressors available in the market according to size and work being done. Choosing the right one to operate is another technicality that requires thorough research. Lastly, the constant supply of compressed air is a necessity for every industry and with a indoor compressed air unit you cannot guarantee the constant supply and compressors can go out of order leaving you without energy requirements.

Coming to outsourcing the needs of compressed air, the biggest benefit is the constant supply of compressed air at all times. There are many compair distributors in Pakistan working for years in compressed air industry providing excellent service to all industries. Secondly, these compair distributors in Pakistan have all different types of compressors which mean that they can fulfill the demand of compressed air for all your industrial needs and you will never run out of compressed air for your industrial requirements. 

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Preserving Environment and Breathing Fresh Air for a Healthy Life

We as humans have proceeded dramatically from living and acting as a primitive being to modern humans. The scientific and technological advances have taken us onto a level where we are conscious about every bit of our health and safety. We have developed a complex system of living in societies that are well protected from natural and artificial threats, we have started to generate products that are healthy for our health, we have modified our eating and drinking habit in order to get maximum protection from diseases and we have produced medicines for the most threatening of diseases to control mortality rate. All these measures have brought us to a life style of comfort and safety that has never been experienced before.

Although we have altered everything about our life, something that was not given its due importance recently is the air that we breathe and environment that we live in. There is a heavy price that we have paid for accessing all these facilities of life and that price is paid by the environment we live in and air we breathe. Most of the world was negligent about the quality of air that we have been breathing throughout our life at homes and in offices. This was a major contributor of various diseases that have infected us over the last many decades. However, today scientists have taken strict measures on controlling the air pollution and making breathing air better for us to prevent spreading of diseases. 

For this very reason there is a sharp increase in the conductance of air audit and air quality tests in offices and industries where we spend large portion of our daily lives. Air quality tests and air audit ensure that we breathe in the fresh air without any contamination and threat of bacterial infection. These air audit and air quality tests are conducted massively in every office in developed countries and stress is being given on developing nations to follow these measures as well. 

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Limitations of Fossil Fuel and Advent of Air Compressor Services in Pakistan

Your industry is like a massive generator hungry for the fuel to work efficiently. The fuel needs of this generator needs to be keep in check or otherwise it can backfire and instead of getting profit from it you will have to subsidize it massively. With all the latest technological advances, one thing that has hit humans hard is their dependency on energy and fuel. The major source of energy from very initial times has been fossil fuel. Even though an excellent and prodigious source of energy, fossil fuel has its own limitations among which the biggest is their non-renewability. Fossil fuels are generated in natural environment deep below the earth in millions and billions of years. This means that whatever fuel we are burning today can never be generated again. Moreover, there are limited reserves of fossil fuels available in the Earth and at the current consumption rates it is expected that the total energy reserves of the earth will deplete in under a Hundred years.

Now that’s surely sound messy and alarming! Scientists and researchers over the years are trying to make significant breakthrough in accessing cleaner and renewable energy source that can replace fossil fuel. Many natural products have been successfully used to generate energy like Wind, sun and water. However, none of these have been able to replace fossil fuel completely. Still, there are some breakthroughs that have brought some relief to the industrialists regarding their energy demand. These sigh of relives is ought to the invention of compressor that used compressed air to generate energy that can be used to power many tools in industry. Air compressor services in Pakistan have seen great appreciation and compressors in Pakistan have been a real success primarily due to the massive shortage of energy. Within no time there are several proficient firms providing air compressor services in Pakistan for all industrial needs. These firms have all the different compressors in Pakistan to fulfill the energy needs of industries. It is believed that with the passage of time these air compressor services in Pakistan will definitely play a vital role in the industrial growth of the country. 

Saturday 19 January 2013

Benefiting Prodigious Compressed Air Services in Pakistan

Compressed air is considered as the most essentialcomponent for any industry.  More and more industries are relying on the continuous supply of compressed air in today’s energy thirsty world. Compressed air can be used to power many small and medium size tools and machineries cheaply which alternatively would be expensive to be energized.

Our country has been facing massive energy shortage for the past many years. Industries have been shut down due to the shortage of energy and increasing price of available energy. This makes the importance of compressed air all that more important for the life of industries in Pakistan. A fundamental concern that is faced by industrialist is that compressors are not manufactured in Pakistan and importing them from abroad will be too costly. Moreover, there are diverse sort of compressors that are available in market to serve different industrial need and to choose the most suitable compressor can be a technical concern for industrialist.

However, instead of importing the exceptionally costly compressors there is an alternative that can serve the needs of industries much more efficiently. Hiring the services of some company that provides compressed air services in Pakistan is considered as the best way to fulfill the consistent demand of compressed air in Pakistan. There are many prodigious companies that are renowned to provide exceptional compressed air services in Pakistan and are consider expert in dealing with the consistent demand of compressed air for industries. Another benefit of hiring professional companies for compresses air services is their expertise in dealing with pressure situation and capacity to increase the supply at certain time. With all the latest compressors in Pakistan at their disposal, these compressed air companies in Pakistan can adjust to varying situations and could help industrialist to increase their manufacturing so as to compete the increasing demand. 

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Why to Conduct Air Quality Tests In Indoor Offices?

Testing the air quality of offices and other working vicinities is impulsive for all in developed countries.  This is for the reason because air quality is way more important than considered by general public. We get to see all sorts of precautions being taken when it comes to drinking water or food, while there are rarely few of us who are considerate of the importance of breathing fresh and clean air. 

Generally people spent 8 to 9 hours daily in offices and other working places. The air breath by them in those areas plays an important role in determining the health and safety of them. This is why getting air quality tests regularly and periodically is so crucial. Air is a mixture of different gases, among those gases there are many hazardous gases, particles and molecules in natural quantity. However, getting to breathe in closed environment with too many people and no ventilation can cause the dramatic increase in the levels of those hazardous particles which is why it is strongly endorsed by medical fractioned that air quality tests should be conducted regularly in all indoor working vicinities. 

There are companies providing prodigious air quality tests services in Pakistan. These companies are expert in not only determining the air quality in working facilitates, rather they can determine the source of pollution and can help get rid of that. These companies can easily be contacted and checked via their website which contain all the relevant information and expertise which might prove helpful in determining the most suitable company for your needs. 

Moreover, it is also advised that air quality tests training should be given to al the employees or at least some employees working in the office. This is for the reason because it can help save the precious time and money, as once trained employees can perform the initial and basic air quality tests by themselves.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Engrossing the Fundamental Aspects of Compressors in Pakistan!

It is almost impossible to find a construction or manufacturing business without the use of industrial compressors in today’s energy thirsty world. There are several key advantages of using air compressors that makes them crucial for every industry. Almost all sort of compressors works on simple principle of converting potential energy present in surrounding and transform it into the kinetic energy that can be used for several different purposes. The atmospheric air that is present all around us can be pressurized by compressors and converted to kinetic energy that would then be used to operate different small and medium power tools such as nail guns to impact wrenches. Apart from these basic compressed air tools, there are larger compressors that can be used to produce enormous amount of compressed air for massive torques requirements. One of the biggest advantages of compressors in Pakistan is that these epic machines don’t need much of maintenance and can easily be used for years without the need of replacement and extensive maintenance. 

More or less, compressors are equivalent to internal combustion engines and contain many similar gears such as pistons, connecting rod attached to crankshaft and a cylinder. Electric or gas motor is used to rotate and drive the crankshaft externally which then move the pistons up and down. Valve head with air flow control ports are present at the top of the piston cylinder which controls the inflow and outflow of air from the internal chamber. Therefore the maintenance of these compressors in Pakistan can be easily carried out without any hassle. 

There are many firms that are providing phenomenal compressed air Pakistan services along with many valuable services for your industrial requirement. Apart of compressed air services in Pakistan, these firms provide prodigious air audit services and air quality test that can ensure the smooth and safe growth of your industry.